Taiwan’s startup ecosystem is on an upward trajectory, gaining recognition and achieving good performances in the international arena. With this backdrop, the National Development Council (NDC) creates a unified identity system to represent the overall image of Taiwan’s startup ecosystem.

Working on finding the foundations of Taiwan’s innovation and entrepreneurship DNA, meetings and workshops were held by the NDC with startup communities, key opinion leaders, and other government agencies. After rounds of discussions, the NDC and the community have decided to jointly create the national startup brand, Startup Island TAIWAN.


Startup Island TAIWAN象徵從新創之島出發走向世界舞台,積極向國際展現臺灣新創蓬勃發展的巨大能量,並傳達我們有意願且有能力對全球創新創業發展作出貢獻。我們相信臺灣新創能為世界提供實踐創新的養分,而Startup Island TAIWAN將作為臺灣新創拓展全球的支點,讓臺灣創新創業名號響亮全世界。


Startup Island TAIWAN