Rising Group is a professional recruitment consulting organization that operates globally, primarily focused on Asia Pacific and North America. We help companies uncover cross-border opportunities and quickly adapt to market changes through our executive search, temporary and permanent placement, staffing and payroll solutions, and tailored HR services consulting services. Our expert team has rich industry experience and global perspective, and we are committed to connecting employers with high-quality talent that will enable them to grow. Our mission is to promote the long-term development of a company through strategic talent allocation and establish a harmonious workplace culture of unity and mutual support.

瑞星集團,專注於為北美及亞太地區的頂尖企業提供專業人才解決方案。我們透過中高階獵才服務、長短期派遣、人力資源及後勤外包服務,幫助企業捕捉跨地域的職業機會,並快速適應市場變化。 我們的專家團隊擁有豐富的行業經驗和全球視野,致力於連結雇主與優質人才,確保企業與員工共同成長。我們的使命是透過策略性人才配置,推動企業長遠發展,並建立一個團結、互助的職場文化。

Rising Management Consulting Co., Ltd.
