Joseph Chen


VP, Global Supply Chain Management
/ Chain Reaction Ltd. 前銳科技 (以色列)

Joseph Chen is currently serving as Vice President of Global Supply Chain Management at Chain Reaction Ltd., an Israeli IC design startup working on ASIC processors for the future of disruptive blockchain and privacy technologies. Joseph originated from Taiwan and moved to the Bay Area for his graduate study at Stanford University and careers in Silicon Valley from 2003. He has been devoted in the semiconductor industry ever since then as being one of the pioneers and researchers who delivered the High-K/Metal Gate (HK/MG) process technology to the industry with 10+ publications in renowned journals and conferences. Joseph holds nearly 20 years of professional expertise on both semiconductor logic and memory technologies. He started his career as a senior process integration engineer for NAND Flash memory in SPANSION and delved further into the emerging memory technologies in Applied Materials (AMAT), where he served as a senior technologist and global product marketing manager responsible for MRAM Etch business. After AMAT, he joined PDF Solutions and provided his professional consultancy of wafer yield enhancement to leading semiconductor foundries where he expanded his career spectrum in logic technology and was a technical manager in TSMC before joining Chain Reaction Ltd. Joseph holds a bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from National Taiwan University in Taiwan. He received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Materials Science and Engineering from Stanford University in California.

Joseph Chen 陳柏達目前任職於以色列商前銳科技Chain Reaction 的全球供應鏈管理副總裁職位,這家以色列半導體IC 設計新創公司, 致力於開發隱私加密處理器, 以迎接未來的顛覆性區塊鏈和隱私技術 。 陳柏達來自臺灣, 2003年後搬到矽谷灣區,在史丹佛大學攻讀半導體材料工程 。從那時起, 他一直致力於半導體產業, 為HiK/Metal Gate 製程技術的先驅研究人員之一, 並於知名期刊和會議上發表了超過10 篇文章。 陳柏達在畢業後於半導體記憶體和邏輯技術方面累積了近 20 年的專業知識。他的職涯始於 SPANSION 的 NAND 快閃記憶體製程整合工程師, 之後加入Applied Materials應用材料研究新興記憶體技術, 同時擔任全球產品行銷經理負責 MRAM 刻蝕業務。之後他加入了 PDF Solutions, 為邏輯半導體晶圓代工廠提供提升良率的專業工程諮詢。並在2020年加入 Chain Reaction前擔任台積電TSMC北美分公司的技術經理。 陳柏達擁有國立臺灣大學化學工程學士學位。他在加州史丹佛大學獲得材料科學與工程碩士和博士學位。