Ginger Tsun

Former president of the National Chengchi University Northern California Alumni Association

Ginger Tsun, after graduating from the Department of Statistics at National Chengchi University, went on to pursue a Master's degree in Statistics and Computer Science at Stanford University. She has worked at Siemens, Yahoo, Intuit, LogMeIn, and Claris (Apple) in various technical and managerial roles, actively participating in both development and management tasks. Additionally, Ginger served as the former president of the National Chengchi University Northern California Alumni Association. She is deeply dedicated to sharing the experiences of Taiwanese-American individuals living in the United States and working in Silicon Valley. She frequently provides career consultation and guidance to organizations such as Taipei First Girls High School, National Chengchi University, and the Taiwan Youth Chamber of Commerce.

Ginger Tsun 畢業於政大統計系後,前往史丹佛大學攻讀統計與電腦科學碩士。曾任職於Siemens 、Yahoo、Intuit 、LogMeIn、 Claris(Apple)擔任技術與管理職,實際參與開發與管理工作。同時,Ginger 為前政大北加州校友會的會長,非常熱衷於傳承台裔美人在美國生活與矽谷的職涯經驗,經常於北一女、政大、台灣青商會等組織進行職場諮詢指導。