ex-VP of Machine Learning / Hyperscience

Ching Fong (CF) Su(蘇欽豐) previously served as the VP of Machine Learning at Hyperscience. He has more than 20 years of R&D experience in the tech sector. His expertise includes search ranking, content classification, online advertisement, and data analytics. Before joining Hyperscience, CF was the Head of Machine Learning at Quora, where his teams developed ML applications of recommendation systems, content understanding, and text classification models. Before Quora, he held technical leadership positions at Polyvore (acquired by Yahoo), Shanda Innovations America, and Yahoo Search. He grew up in Taiwan and is keenly interested in working with startups in Taiwan.  He is currently one of the mentors in the NTU Corporate Accelerator Program. CF received a Master’s and Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.

先前為Hyperscience 公司機器學習的副總,負責辦公室文件自動化的技術研究與產品開發。旅居矽谷多年,曾在不同公司擔任機器學習團隊的管理職位。主要的領域是機器學習在搜索引擎,線上廣告,內容推薦,和數據分析上的應用。平常也關注台灣新創圈的發展,在台大創創中心擔任導師,協助輔導新創團隊。從台灣清華大學電機系畢業後,到德州大學奧斯丁分校獲得碩士與博士學位。

Ching Fong (CF) Su